tiba2 rini terfikir plak..perangai2 ak yang xelok..suke majuk!!huhu
nk tau ape sbb ye???
* bf lmbt balas msj!
* bf x bls msj..
* bf xkol..
* bf x lyn...
* bf trtido time msj
* bf seb0k
haha..sume nye sbb "bF"..damn!! y i become s000 chiLdish......
ok2..now..im thinking 2 change my self into more understanding gF..
tp bole k?????ape yg perlu d buat??
* kaWal emosi..
* jgn pk bukan2..
* sabo byk..
* senyum bile majuk..(ase kurg ah ckit majuk ye..pena cube..n its work!!sumtime)
* kurangkan topup kedit..(so xd la slalu nk msj DIE)..
yang plg penting..CHILL BEB and THINK +!!!!
p/s: to my love..sory sbb byk kali buat awk tensen dgn sy yg sukeeeeeeeeee ngat majuk..sy tau 2..tp sje j buat2 tatau..hehe..peace^^..
2 ulasan:
hahaha...cute post dear..
i plak skrg in crisis dgn si dia..huhu
hehe..thx..yeke..tp still couple kn??
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